Welcome to the team site for


About Us

We’re a team of like-minded, international educators who are enthusiastic about Generative AI and its impact on education. You will find many tech coaches, teachers, and tech directors in our team. Our facilitators are Alex McMillan and Alex Braden who work at Shanghai American School as High School Tech Coaches.

Connect with us on Twitter/X if you would like to participate in this group. Click our pictures to visit our Twitter/X.

Alex McMillan

Alex Braden


Each month our team has a call on Microsoft Teams. Click the image below to see our live calendar of calls


Miss one of our calls? No problem, click on the picture below to visit our OneDrive folder with each recording.

Other Helpful Docs

We have loads of over helpful documents and visuals on our OneDrive.

Feel free to share what you’ve been working on to help make our community better!

Connect on Twitter/X

Come see what people are saying on about Generative AI and join the conversation!

Ground Rules

The moderators have set some ground rules for the “GenAI for Schools” group. If you’re in this group and would like to participate in our calls or chats, we would like everyone to keep in mind these expectations;

ultimately, we would like this group to benefit all participants and for everyone to feel welcome.

Purpose. The purpose of the group is to support one another with the emergent technology of Generative AI. We believe that at this point, nobody is an expert about this new technology and to be successful, we must collaborate and support and learn from one another.

Disclosure. If you have a vested interest in a particular company, receive payment, free subscriptions, or other benefits please disclose this when appropriate to help eliminate the appearance of bias. This might be as a member of Google Innovator, Apple Distinguished Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator, Magic School Pioneer program, or another similar affiliation that might sway your opinion. To that end, please maintain a neutral stance; when recommending a tool please use language like “the school or organization I’m working with chose _____ because _____.”

No message-blasting. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Please keep in mind that everyone likely gets a notification whenever a message is sent. When possible, please send one consolidated message as opposed to several messages all at once.

Curiosity over certainty. Think of this group as an inquiry into an emergent technology. It’s not a place to aggressively push opinions, views, or particular tools on others.

Unrelated promotions. This group is for GenAI related topics. It is not a place to promote unrelated events, materials, media, etc.

Adding members. You are welcome to add other members. Please add others who will actively contribute to the chat rather than lurking.

Sharing materials. Many schools are sharing materials in this group. Please give them credit and acknowledgement for their work. It’s good practice to ask permission from the authors or schools before resharing their work.

Personal information. Please avoid sharing personal information about students or others without their expressed permission.